Meet our

A relatively young company, we’re a hungrier lot. We want to do more, be more and give more. We are eager to remain a relevant and valuable brand, regardless of the nature of our business that has an impression of being a ‘Commodity’. In other words, we want to be the partner of choice for our stakeholders.
The founder of Maruti Bentoclay Industries, Mr. Rajshekhar Awati and our team of operators, R&D staff, and business associates, strive to achieve that goal and how!
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In non lacinia risus, ac tempor ipsum. Phasellus venenatis leo eu semper varius. Maecenas sit amet molestie leo. Morbi vitae urna mauris. Nulla nec tortor vitae eros iaculis hendrerit aliquet non urna. Nulla sit amet vestibulum magna.
Suspendisse potenti. In non lacinia risus, ac tempor ipsum. Phasellus venenatis leo eu semper varius.